Useful information
This section contains useful information for our users. Here we try to answer the most frequently asked questions of our users as fully and thoroughly as possible. If you have any other questions about the operation of our service or the entertainment application presented on it, you can contact the support service.

Why is the program on your website free?
Since our company strives to provide users with safe online entertainment, everyone who uses our platform should understand that they are not involved in real money investments and do not make any deposits when working with the program. Our social casino promotes a responsible approach to online gambling.

Are all the features of the app unlocked on your platform?
The app is completely free; you must be registered on our website to use all the features of the app. For unregistered users, there is an option to try the demo version, which has limited functionality.

Who can use the app for free?
Our platform is available to anyone over the age of 18. According to the current legislation, minors should not have access to free online entertainment. We strictly adhere to this, so we have set age restrictions. In addition, the user must be registered to be able to use the full functionality of our platform.
The list of these questions will be changed and supplemented from time to time as our users ask other questions to our support team.